
Custom configuration scenario’s

Here configuration scenarios to adjust the behavior and the thresholds of the instances are described. The default behavior of the End-User Performance Management Pack can be adjusted using overrides.

Specifying instance and step thresholds

The End-User Performance Management Pack monitors the availability as well as the performance for each End-User Performance Simulation instance and each corresponding step.

For performance monitoring, the End-User Performance Management Pack has two overridable parameters to specify when a state change should occur. The thresholds can be configured on an instance and step level. Specifically, the thresholds can be configured for a specific instance or step, a group of instances and / or steps, or for all instances and steps. So, configuration is possible for the complete simulation instance, every single step, and for a group of simulation instances or steps. The thresholds can be changed using overrides, stored in the management pack created for overrides in the EUP Collector discovery.

Follow the steps below to change the performance thresholds of the simulation instances or the steps.

  1. In the SCOM Console, go to the Authoring pane
  2. In the Authoring pane, navigate to Management Pack Object -> Monitors
  3. Select the Monitors
  4. Ensure that the Scope in the toolbar is not selected
monitors main
  1. Search for The Backbone EUP
monitors: the backbone eup
  1. Expand The Backbone EUP Perspective Instance or The Backbone EUP Perspective Step to change the thresholds for a simulation instance or step respectively
  2. Expand the Entity Health and expand the Performance
  3. Click on The Backbone EUP Perspective Transaction Time to change the thresholds for a simulation instance. Click on The Backbone EUP Perspective Step Transaction Time to change the thresholds for a step
  4. Select Overrides -> Override the Monitor -> For a(ll) (specific) object(s)/group ….
  5. Select, if needed, the object(s), instance(s) or step(s) that need to be changed. An Override Properties Window for the selected object appears (The windows below shows a properties window of a step)
override properties unchecked

This window shows two threshold parameters, the Warning Threshold and the Critical Threshold. The Warning Threshold determines the response time in which the simulation instance or step should react to get a healthy state. If the response time is between the Warning Threshold and the Critical Threshold, the target will get a Warning state. The target will get a Critical state when the response time exceeds the Critical Threshold.

  1. Enable an override for the parameter that needs to be overwritten
  2. Select the management pack to store the override
  3. Press the OK button to close the window

Repeat the steps above for all simulation instances and steps that require a customized threshold.
The tables below gives the details of the parameters.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Default Value
Warning Threshold Integer Instance: 10,000 milliseconds
Step: 4,000 milliseconds
Critical Threshold Integer Instance: 20,000 milliseconds
Step: 4,000 milliseconds

Increasing the EUP Collector Interval

The parameter Collector Interval specifies the interval (in seconds) wherefore the End-User Performance Management Pack checks the EUP Collector Path for new files. Every interval, the EUP Collector will process one file. If more files exist, the EUP Collector selects the newest file. Adjust the parameter to increase or decrease the frequency wherein files are processed.

Follow the steps below to increase the EUP Collector Interval:

  1. Open the Operations Console
  2. Go to the Authoring pane
  3. In the Authoring pane, navigate to Management Pack Object -> Object Discoveries
object discoveries
  1. Click on Scope in the toolbar
  2. Search and select The Backbone EUP Collector
scope management pack objects
  1. Press OK
  2. Select The Backbone EUP Collector Discovery object
  3. Select Overrides -> Override the Object Discovery -> For a specific object of class: Windows Computer
  4. Select the target for which the EUP Collector interval should be changed
select management pack object
  1. Enable an override for the parameter Collector Interval and set the override value to the desired interval
  2. Select the management pack created earlier to store the override
override properties: increase interval
  1. Press the OK button to close the window

The table below shows the details of the parameter.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Default Value
Collector Interval Integer 60

Changing the EUP Collector Path

The EUP Collector Path is the path used to store the End-User Performance Simulation data files, the configuration file, and the license file. The EUP Collector Path can be changed to any folder, as long as the following is taken into account:
1. As mentioned under EUP Collector, the default Action Account should have modified rights on the EUP Collector Path (folder and files)
2. The Watcher Node(s) should have written access to the folder to store the End-User Performance Simulation data files

Follow the steps below to change the EUP Collector Path:
1. Open the Operations Console
2. Go to the Authoring pane
3. In the Authoring pane, navigate to Management Pack Object -> Object Discoveries

object discoveries
  1. Click on Scope in the toolbar
  2. Search and select The Backbone EUP Collector
scope management pack objects
  1. Press OK
  2. Select The Backbone EUP Collector Discovery object
object discoveries: the backbone eup
  1. Select Overrides -> Override the Object Discovery -> For a specific object of class: Windows Computer
  2. Select the target for which the EUP Collector Path should be changed
select management pack object
  1. Enable an override for the parameter Collector Path and set the override value to the desired path
  2. Select the management created earlier pack for override
override properties: change path
  1. Press the OK button to close the window

The table below gives the details of the parameter.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Default Value
Collector Path String %PROGRAMFILES%\The Backbone\The Backbone End-User Performance MP\

Changing the Data Files per interval

If the End-User Performance environment has a large number of simulations, from a number of locations, in a small timeframe, the EUP collector can process more data files per interval.

It will take the EUP collector approximately 2 seconds to process a single data file. The maximum data files to be processed per interval is 10, the recommended minimum interval frequency is 20. This means that ervery 20 seconds, a maximum number of 10 data files will be processed.

Follow the steps below to change the data files per interval:
1. Open the Operations Console
2. Go to the Authoring pane
3. In the Authoring pane, navigate to Management Pack Object -> Object Discoveries

object discoveries
  1. Click on Scope in the toolbar
  2. Search and select The Backbone EUP Collector
scope management pack objects
  1. Press OK
  2. Select The Backbone EUP Collector Discovery object
object discoveries: the backbone eup
  1. Select Overrides -> Override the Object Discovery -> For a specific object of class: Windows Computer
  2. Select the target for which the data files per interval should be changed
select management pack object
  1. Enable an override for the parameter Maximum Amount Data Files per Interval and set the override value to the desired value.
  2. Select the management created earlier pack for override
override properties: change data files per interval
  1. Press the OK button to close the window

The table below gives the details of the parameter.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Default Value
Maximum Amount of Data Files per Interval Integer 10

Changing the accepted missing data files

An End-User Performance Simulation is running with a specific interval. Each run should result in a data file with simulation results. One or several missing data files during a period of time must be investigated and resolved. Frequent causes are Watcher Node shutdown, no automatic logon, or a hanging simulation script due to an unknown application behavior.

The End-User Performance Management Pack helps to detect such situations by generating an alert if, for a period of time, no simulation data is received. This period is specified by the instance frequency in the EUP Configuration file, and the count of acceptable missed data files as an overridable parameter on the monitor The Backbone EUP Perspective Data Missing.

Follow the steps below to change the acceptable count of missed data files:

  1. Open the Operations Console
  2. In the Authoring pane, navigate to Management Pack Object -> Monitors
  3. Select the Monitors
  4. Ensure that the Scope in the toolbar is not selected
monitors: main
  1. Search for The Backbone EUP
monitors: the backbone eup
  1. Expand The Backbone EUP Perspective Instance
  2. Expand the Entity Health, and expand the Configuration
  3. Click on The Backbone EUP Perspective Data Missing
  4. Select Overrides -> Override the Monitor -> Choose desired object(s)/group ….
  5. After specifying the override scope, the Override Properties window will be shown
override properties: change accept missing data
  1. Enable an override for the parameter Match Count and specify the acceptable missing data files
  2. Select the management pack to store the override
  3. Press the OK button to close the window

The table below gives the details of the parameter.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Default Value
Match Count Integer 3

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