Installing and Upgrading


Here the installation of the End-User Performance Management Pack is described. First, complete all preparation activities before importing the End-User Performance Management Pack files into SCOM. Management Pack import describes the steps to import the End-User Performance Management Pack files.


Before the End-User Performance Management Pack is imported, check the status of the database and its storage. Depending on the amount of End-User Performance Simulation data that will be collected, it might be necessary to increase the size of the database.

Management Pack import

Import the End-User Performance Management Pack by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Open the SCOM Console
  2. Go to the Administration pane and choose Installed Management Packs
installed management packs
  1. Select the action Import Management Packs
  2. Navigate to the installation folder and select the following four files:
  5. TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.mpb
  6. TheBackbone.SMP04.Reports.mpb
  7. Press Install to import the End-User Performance Management Pack
import management packs
  1. Press Close to close the windows

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