This document describes the datamodel used for the analysis of End-User Performance (EUP) data in Microsoft Power BI. The datamodel gives the possibility to analyze EUP data in different ways. The datamodel is a tabular datamodel with multiple related tables, calculated columns, and measures. The datamodel is customizable, so sources and columns can be added to adjust the datamodel as necessary.
The figure below visualizes the datamodel used in Power BI. Most tables are loaded from the SCOM data warehouse. Only the table ‘Targets’ is filled from within Power BI.
Two types of tables are used inside the datamodel. There are fact tables like ‘EUP History’, ‘Simulations Realtime’, and ‘Steps Realtime’. These tables contain information on simulation measures. The other tables, like ‘Date’, ‘Time’, and ‘Targets’, contain descriptive information about the facts. The summary below contains details about each table in the datamodel:
The descriptive tables (‘Date‘, ‘Time‘ and ‘Targets‘) are related to the fact tables (‘EUP History ‘, ‘Simulations Realtime‘ and ‘Steps Realtime‘). The relationships add the possibility to filter the data by date, time, and SLA.
Below, the table columns are listed for each descriptive table with the contained information:
Date | Value |
DateValue | Each date occurs once in this table |
DayOfWeek | Day within the week |
DayOfMonth | Day within the month |
WeekOfYear | Week within the year |
MonthNr | Number of the month |
Quarter | Quarter of the year |
Year | Year |
Month | Month in text |
Time | Value |
TimeValue | Time on minute level, each possible hour/minute within a day |
Hour | Hour of the TimeValue |
Minute | Minute of the TimeValue |
Targets | Value |
Simulation | Name of the simulation |
SlaAvailability | Percentage of availability which needs to be achieved |
SlaPerformance | Number of seconds a simulation is allowed to take |
For more information about the fact tables see this article.
The table below describes the available parameters which can be adjusted:
Parameters | Value |
Realtime Hours | The last x-hours of raw data. This parameter takes effect on tables: ‘Simulations Realtime’ and ‘Steps Realtime’ |
History Months | The last x-months of aggregated data. This parameter takes effect on table: ‘EUP History’ |
History Granularity | Daily: History data grouped by day. Hourly: Historic data grouped by hour for each day. |
Servername DWH | Full name of the SQL instance |
Database DWH | Database name of the SCOM data warehouse. Default name is OperationsManagerDW |